Narrative Perspective Essay

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Narrative Perspective: The Three Main Storytellers As mentioned, the novel is a circular narrative that has two different narrators, with three main plot lines. The narrative style and alternating narrators allows Boyden to explore the use of stories and words in many settings and emphasize their power. The novel centres around three main characters, Niska, Elijah Whiskeyjack and Xavier Bird. The first storyline told through the perspective of Niska is her childhood and life. Then Xavier, the second narrator describes his wartime experiences through flashback memories as well as his current struggles to stay alive. However each character tells stories throughout the novel, and each use stories in very different ways that reflect the power …show more content…

When the soldiers break into song, he recalls “I have my own songs” (16) and hums alone. This approach is greatly different than Elijah who willingly sheds all connection to Cree, only speaking it with Xavier. However, this could also explain why at the end of the war Xavier has a greater sense of identity and does not lose himself entirely in the chaos, he has an anchor. Xavier views speaking English as a defeat and refuses to “give in to this army’s ways so easy” (78). He never engages in English conversations, responding to commanders in Cree. Thus, language is conveyed as a powerful element of culture and identity which help Xavier to maintain his integrity rather than conform. In contrast to Elijah, Xavier is not a hero or a storyteller. Alternatively, he lives on the sidelines, always the quiet character who listens to stories rather than create them. Xavier himself acknowledges that “I am his listener” (197), in reference to Elijah’s need to retell his adventures to X. However, through morphine hazed memories he begins to remember his own stories, and begins telling himself the story of his life as a way to cope with his grief and rediscover himself. Each flashback serves as another piece of the puzzle as Xavier deals with Elijah’s death and his role in it. There are particular moments of clarity when Xavier is grounded in the present at camp with his Aunt, he feels “life leaking out of me in a trickle” (221). The narrative style allows emphasis on the power of story and the reader witnesses Xaviers thoughts solidify as he gets closer to the truth. Moreover, the first hand perspective allows the reader to develop a deeper connection to Xavier and feel more empathy for him. When he describes feelings of doubt and fear, not wanting to live without his leg, the audience can connect with his despair. It makes his storytelling more effective which cements the theme of words being powerful.

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