Narrative Essay On Gymnastics

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As a child, gymnastics was my absolute favorite thing to do. One night I was at practice later than everyone else, I was determined to perfect my vault before the big meet the next day. I wanted to win every event at this meet and nothing was going to stop me. I was testing out the spring board when my heel slipped off. There was a crunching and a sudden pain. Immediately, I knew I had done something very wrong to my foot. At this point I had two options: tell my coach and give up the meet, or continue through the pain. There wasn’t even a choice, of course I was not going to give up all my hard work now, so I continued to practice that night despite my pain. The pain was horrible, but nothing I couldn’t ignore in order to be the best. After practice, we …show more content…

I still had not told anyone about my foot when one of my coaches noticed the huge lump on the side of my foot; she immediately got an ice bucket. My coach would have let me scratch out of the meet and not compete that day, and she would have fully supported it because of my injury, but there was no way I would do that. So throughout the meet, I carried around my ice bucket and dunk my foot into it. When it came time to compete, I dried it off, warmed up, and did what I had to do. Although there was an agonizing pain, I put it aside and competed beautifully. The feeling of triumph I received when they announced my name for the all around champion was incomparable to the torment of the injury. Eventually, my mother managed to get me into the doctor after a week or so later. My tendon had chipped off a piece of my bone, meaning I had competed through a broken foot- and won. When I have a passion for something, I devote myself into it completely. Very few people have this kind of drive and commitment that I have had throughout my life, and still have today for my education and future. I would love to continue my studies at SIUE, receiving a high quality

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