Narrative Essay On Broken Glass

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I couldn’t think of anything to write for english. Broken glass? What kind of a theme is that? Was I out of my mind? I knew I was failing, but I just couldn’t think of anything. I thought of a lot of things. I thought of Dally and his horse, I thought of Johnny, I thought of the Soc, but yet I still couldn’t come up with a theme. It wasn’t until Sodapop was a wreck about Sandy that I finally had a breakthrough. But first I needed some new paper because I drew horses all over the last one. But, then I saw that copy of Gone With the Wind and saw something poking out of it. I picked up the book and opened it. It was a letter from Johnny. I had never gotten a letter before, unless you count grade cards. I read it. It was real sweet. I put it back in …show more content…

Finally I got some fat old Soc to tell me what was going on. There were kids missing. I heard a scream from the church. I never asked Johnny to follow me in, but he did. We saved most of the kid’s lives but little did we know as we ran in that Johnny would be dead. A burning beam fell on him. He was in the hospital for weeks but didn’t live. The night he died is the night we also lost Dally. Dally was with me when Johnny died, just after we had driven the Soc out of our territory. Dally lost control and robbed a gas station. As he was fleeing from the cops, and the gang went to go get him, Dally pulled out his empty heater, but the fuzz didn’t know it was empty. The police took it as a threat, and shot him down. That was the last thing I remembered before the glass broke. I passed out and woke up days later in Soda and I’s room. With both Dally and Johnny gone, there really was no gang anymore, It was just us five Darry, Soda, Two-bit, Steve, and me. There was really no point in calling it a gang anymore. Everything fell apart. I started failing, to me there was really no more point. The juvenile hearing came and went. The glass had finally shattered. I opened my eyes to bright lights. These were definitely not my

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