Narrative Essay On A Camping Trip

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Have you ever been forced to do something with your friend that you KNOW is gonna be bad? That’s how it was for me on my camping trip with my uncle and his friends and my friend Zeek. We have been planning this trip for quite some time and this time we brought buggies so we could ride in the dunes now I have practice driven these and they’re pretty fast I don’t remember exactly how fast but the vehicle had good power. Add that with a risk taker friend and you go at dangerous and scary levels of speed though I was very cautious so maybe I was just being scared at the same time.
Even so, I still didn´t want to ride with him as I was really tired and lazy but my uncle insisted and I had to go. We started out driving past all the campsites to …show more content…

We saw a little hill and Zeek with that look in his eye said ¨Watch this!¨ and we zoomed over the hill and hit the ground a bit rough. I got a little bit mad and scorned him as he could have hit the engine and damaged it. But he didn't care and I shook it off cause I did not want to fight. After like a couple of mins of zooming on a road we approached a little stunt area with little hill ramps and circling points (I don't know the lingo for it so don't judge …show more content…

But at that exact moment I saw that rock around the ring I KNEW we were completely doomed. As soon as we were in the air I felt time stop just for a second for my mind at the time to cope what was happening. I saw the ground below me and I thought the ground was moving down but then it was me flying in the air. As soon as I try to open my mouth BAM! We slam onto the ground and dangling from the top of the car. “Ugh… Mike you okay” Zeek says with some pain in his sentence. “I’m fine… Hold on” I say with the same amount of pain. My whole body was aching from my sides to now my head from the blood rush going in my head but I wasted no time. I managed to unbuckle myself and help Zeek unbuckle himself I fell down but he didn’t because I helped him so now my arm hurts. Even so, I jumped out of the vehicle and began sprinting for help back to camp I had a major adrenaline rush from the crash and I didn’t want to stay there long so I ran and ran without stopping which surprised me since I wasn’t the healthiest type of person who would run this

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