Narrative Essay About First Love

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Some people have or will experience their first love once in their lifetime. To them, it can be a sorrowful experience or the most beautiful thing that has ever happened. The writer, Arlene Nisson Lassin, and my boyfriend, Peng Vang, both have experienced their own first love. Whether it was wonderful or not, it has allowed them to grow and understand more about themselves. One thing for sure is that it was an unforgettable and valuable experience for both of them. In Arlene 's blog "Why Your First Love is So Unforgettable", she wrote about how her first love went for her and how it remains as a beautiful memory. When she was just a fifteen years old girl, she met her own Prince Charming at a high school they both attended. He was tall, handsome, smart, and talented. They became more drawn to each other and eventually fell in love, like how Romeo and Juliet were destined to be together, except for the tragedy. She went on many adventures with him and he made her feel like a princess. They helped each other to overcome tough times in life with laughter …show more content…

The first thing that comes in my mind about first love would be happiness, the pure and special kind. When I had share to some friends that I wanted to understand more about first love from my boyfriend’s experience, they thought I was crazy and bold. They told me that they could never talk about their partner’s past lover, especially the first, someone whom their lover has loved before them. I guess I was crazy after all to talk about a topic that most people wouldn’t want to bring up. But I didn 't mind to hear it from my boyfriend at all. Maybe there was a special kind of understanding between us? All I had in mind was that it was a valuable experience to learn more about first love and understand what love can be. I hope to one day experience my own. I can’t predict how things will turn out, but I know that I am prepared for whatever

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