Narrative Essay About Arnies

542 Words2 Pages

Jorge Escobedo Rough Draft 4/18/14 Here is a slight vital information. There specialty is new seafood and seasonal selections. Hours are 10 a.m. To 11 p.m. Monday across Sunday. For alcohol they vend beer,wine,liquer. Worth scope can be reasonable to expensive. "Nice think, isn't it?" the hostess said, noticing us staring out the window as we stayed into a table at Arnies in Mukilteo.Outside, snow was plummeting, coating every single external and adding a romantic stroke to an by now cozy scene. A ferry, seemingly adorned for the period, pulled into the dock.The think, in fact, was so pleasant that we consumed a long period staring at it beforehand we even glanced at our menus.While a highlight of Arnies is the think of the water and Whidbey Island, the restaurant's food made it well worth the visit. Just make sure to depart yourself lots of period to stare outside. Most tables are opposing the window, and all of them proposal at least a little view. When our waitress presented something to drink, we happily seized her proposition of a hot cider. We drank it as in the end seizing...

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