Narco Cultura Documentary Analysis

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The documentary Narco Cultura by Shaul Schwarz in 2013 and the article Corruption, Drug Cartels and The Mexican Police by Margaret Haerens display the cycle of drugs and violence in both similar and different ways. These two sources use pathos and actual examples of crimes to be effective. Although, the article doesn’t have as much details as the documentary because it incorporates actual interviews and visuals that set it apart from the article. The documentary Narco Cultura reaches the audience more effectively because it has a stronger emotional appeal than Corruption, Drug Cartels, and the Mexican Police, due to the facts of deaths and the real life images and interviews that were applied. The documentary Narco Cultura and the article Corruption, Drug Cartels, and the Mexican Police both incorporate pathos to expose the cycle. The article along with the documentary both use actual incidents to create emotion and feeling within the audience. In the article Corruption, Drug Cartels, and the Mexican Police, Glen comments, “In March 2010, Lesley Enriquez Redelfs, an employee of the U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juárez, was shot to death in her …show more content…

Deaths in 2007, 2008,2009,2010 from violence (Narco Cultura). The interviews of family members that lost loved ones. “I realized it was my son and my heart dropped to my stomach. I couldn’t believe it” (Narco Cultura). Having the facts and the interviews is what makes it strong. It allows the audience to see that it is real and that people are actually experience these things. The audience sees what’s going on and fully comprehend how it reality is within that type of life cycle. Incorporating the facts and interviews along with the incidents made the documentary stronger, creating a great appeal on the

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