Napoleon Selfless In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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The most important trait of a leader is selflessness. To be selfless means to put others before yourself and care about others needs more than your own. Selflessness is what separates a leader from a boss. A boss just tells people what to do while a leader shows them how to do it and even helps out. Napoleon a character from George Orwell’s, Animal farm does not have this very important trait. This is important for a leader because, a leader should care about his people and understand what their needs are. A leader should understand these needs and implement things to better improve the lives of his people. The first reason that Napoleon is not a selfless leader is because, he gives himself and the other pigs rights and benefits that other animals do not have. A selfless …show more content…

Infant Napoleon's right hand Squealer even lies about why they are eating the milk and apples. Squealer says “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs our doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Are sole object in taking these things is to preserve are health.”(17). Another prime example of selfishness by Napoleon is when he gives the pigs a bunch of privileges. These privileges include sleeping in beds, drinking alcohol, doing no work, living in the house, walking on two feet, and they get whips. These are all examples on how Napoleon is not selfless. A real selfless leader would have given all animals the right to do these things and spread the food across evenly instead of keeping for themselves. My second main point on why Napoleon is not selfless is because he gave all the power to the pigs and the pigs only. He did not allow any other animals to take part in their conversations or discussion. This lead to very poor conditions on Animal Farm. A example of this abuse in power is when the pigs slowly start to change the seven

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