Naked City By Sharon Zukin Summary

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I choose to read Naked City because I am captivated by cities’ authentic looks. Places that still have cobblestone roads and Victorian homes make the place feel historical. Sharon Zukin discusses how the growing desire to keep cities authentic has caused real estate values to go up, which results in the removal of people who cannot afford to live in that area anymore. Sharon Zukin is a professor of sociology who specializes in modern urban life. She teaches at Brooklyn College and at the CUNY graduate center. Sharon Zukin has a PhD from Columbia University in political science and a Bachelor of Arts from Barnard College. In Naked City Zukin examines how the preservation of cities’ authenticity and gentrification have lead to cities being more …show more content…

Sikhulu Shange owned a shop called Record Shake but lost his lease in 2007 due to price increases in property in New York neighborhoods (69). Interviewing people who have been affected by the gentrification of neighborhoods in New York helps support Zukin’s thesis. I believe that by going into the city and talking to the locals and the people who use to live there, Zukin helps illustrate the affects of gentrification from two points of view. It is clear that she uses several primary sources such as blog posts, newspaper articles, city planning documents, and observations to help support her theories. At certain times I do feel like Zukin’s main point gets lost because she focusing too much to detail. She spends a good portion of the book critiquing Jane Jacobs book The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Although I think it’s important that Zukin provided a different view on the crisis of authenticity, I felt she focused a little too much on trying to argue against Jane Jacobs. In her conclusion she critiques Jacobs work, saying that Jacobs views are bias (227). Zukin could have made her thesis sound by incorporating visuals to show the roles of changes in demography. Seeing statistics that show the cultural change in New York cities over the past couple of years would definitely make her arguments clearer. She is still able to expose the …show more content…

Naked City adequately captures the change in cities due to gentrification. Zukin illustrates the cultural uniqueness of iconic New York neighborhoods. Her examination of these neighborhoods in the past and how they are today gives incite on how they might look in the future if society continues on the path that it is on. Neighborhoods have been renovated; several facades have been modernized, but the area still has an old-fashioned feel (106). Zukin proves that in society today we strive to modernize cities yet we still try to maintain the authentic feel. Reading this book my knowledge on gentrification and how it has affect communities have broadened. Zukin’s reference to movies and music artists made me realize that people might determine certain neighborhoods as a desirable place to live based on how they are depicted in movies or books. I also learned it’s important to consider the trends that are going on around the world. Shops reflect the “class world” that dominates the East Village now: both elegant and derelict, hippie and yuppie, distinctive and diverse (106). The current hipster trend can be a factor of this reflection of East Village. Zukin understands that there are many factors that result in gentrification of an area. It is crucial to look at the tastes ad lifestyles of the upper middle class, for these dominate the cultural representations of cities today (223). Zukin provides a brief history of different New

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