Naivety in Macbeth

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Humans are naïve in nature, regardless of race, culture, or environment. Some humans are more naïve than others. Naivety has been the downfall of men throughout history. Taking a glance at history, Czar Nicholas II was naïve and foolish because he followed the words of his advisors. His advisors, including a Holy man named Rasputin, had an uncanny influence over Czar Nicholas II. If he had not listened to their advice to mobilize his army to the Austria borderline, would World War I and his death still have occurred? William Shakespeare’s plays, Julius Caesar and Macbeth, contains a protagonist both alike yet different. Brutus’ and Macbeth’s naivety and gullible nature impairs their sense of judgment and ultimately lead them to their deathly demise.

In Act one of Julius Caesar, Cassius complains to Brutus about how Caesar is acting modest, but he is really scheming to become a high power in Rome. While listening to Cassius’ rant, it is seen that Brutus is slowly buying Cassius’ point of view of Caesar urges him to go forward with his complains. Cassius later mentioned, “If I were/Brutus now and he were Cassius, /He should not humor me” (1.2 310-311). In lament’s terms, Cassius means that if he is Brutus and Brutus is him, he would not be as naïve nor will he be influence by Brutus. This displays that Cassius notices Brutus’ great naivety; therefore, he will try to use Brutus’ naivety for his motives. Soon afterwards, Brutus thinks, “It must be by his death, and for my part/ I know no personal cause to spurn at him/ But for the general” (2.1. 10-12). This shows that Brutus is gullible enough to buy Cassius’ and Casca’s point-of-view on Caesar. He truly believes that he and the conspirators are murdering Caesar purel...

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...e tragic heroes, Macbeth and Brutus, are both naïve, and their naivety which leads them to their tragic death. Brutus gives Cassius and Casca his full trust that it causes him to turn against his best friend, Julius Caesar. Brutus is also naïve enough to believe that Antony will not turn against him at Caesar’s funeral, which leads Brutus to his death. Macbeth put full faith in the supernatural witches where he acts upon each prediction. By acting upon these predictions and becoming increasingly dependent, Macbeth murders the King, friends, and a family. Macbeth’s trust of the witches’ second prediction leads him to his downfall because they tell him not to worry about any man who is born out of a woman’s womb. Macbeth’s and Brutus’ naïve nature created opportunities for others to take advantage of the two tragic heroes until their tragic death.

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