Nacirema Satire

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The satire Body Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace Miner, bring up the fact of the rituals among the people in North America. Morace Miner calls the people a group called the Nacirema and goes about the rituals they perform. They go into their “ritual activity” at a shrine. The shrine is only discussed by their children. Miner talks about the medicine cabinet and how it holds “many charms and magical potions,” but he calls it a box or chest on the wall. “Human body is ugly” so the people need to go to the “shrine” and fix the problem like women do with makeup. The “tribe” brushes their teeth with “a small bundle of hog hairs and magical powers”. “Holy-mouth-men” are considered to be the dentist to this tribe. The shrine is not all Minor had to say, Minor continued with many everyday things. Women going to the hair salon is “women make their heads in small ovens”. “Fat people thin... thin people fat. ...women's breasts larger if they are small, and smaller if they …show more content…

Nacirema is American spelled backwards. The satire goes on about the everyday tasks the the humans do daily. The majority of people go to the bathroom, brush their teeth, get ready with or without makeup, do their hair, and in some cases take their medication. Some women go and get their hair done at a salon and in some cases have them put their hair in drying machines just like the article said the tribe people do. Adults go to the doctor to get help and treatment while the kids think it is a place to go and die but in the real case kids just do not understand fully like the adults do. Some women go in for reduction or implant surgery just like the Nacirema tribe. Birth control is used by men and women in the American culture as one of the ways to reduce pregnancy among the human people. On the other hand people do not and they have the option to breast feed, but with the Nacirema tribe the majority of women do not nurse their

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