Mythology In Science Fiction, And Spiderman's Superhero Characters

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Superhero characters of today are not a result of science fiction or its fascination. Although many of their origins were science-based myths, like Spiderman being bitten by a radioactive spider, they are not considered hard science fiction like Larry Niven's Ringworld.
The term mythology has always been associated with legends and folklores of gods, demigods or supernatural humans from the days of ancient cultures. Myths can refer to historical events that are linked to religion or spirituality, and are often recounted in order to explain the establishment of a society’s customs, institutions and taboos; models for behaviour; or provide religious experiences. Myths of the past were probably erroneously explained such that they had manifested …show more content…

In general, superheroes’ stories fulfil one of the role which myths have in society – Batman have been fighting crime and enforcing order in Gotham since his creation and his stories can be used to subtly reinforce reality’s existing ‘good vs bad’ values. Myths are an important medium in teaching the subsequent generations on the society’s morals and values. Without them, youths would be free to create their own initiations and morality, often leading to destructive acts against the dominant culture (Darowski, 2007).
In the story of Batman’s sidekick Robin, Dick Grayson moved on from being Robin and established his own identity as Nightwing so as to be equal to Batman rather than a subordinate. This story can exemplify the transition to adulthood of young American men.
In turn, the counterculture of the 1960’s led to a gradual liberalization, allowing the adventures of African and Afro ‑American super‑ heroes to be published. Likewise, the economic crisis of the 1970s, problems in American society and the Reagan era are reflected in such comics as The Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns.
The Comics Code was first compromised by Marvel in 1971. The Amazing Spider‑ ‑Man #96 ‑98 told a story about people struggling with drug addiction. Although the story showed drug abuse in a definitely bad light and was created on request of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and

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