My Writing Goals

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When teaching writing, I will set my end goals for instruction under two categories: academic goals and personal goals. First of all, I believe that there should be visible growth in the academic area students are being instructed in. Notice that I said I want to see visible growth; I did not assign a letter grade that I thought would be appropriate for students to meet. Not every student is going to come into the classroom at the same level, so my end goal of writing instruction would be to see some sort of positive growth in my students. This does not necessarily mean I expect all of my students to be getting A’s on their writing assignments. I would also not be afraid to voice this to my students. My academic goals for students would be …show more content…

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect; writing is not exempt from this maxim. Writing frequently allows students to get a better grasp of the language in their writing, such as proper diction, punctuation, sentence variety, and organization of the artifact. I also believe that young writers should be writing as much as possible so that they have the time to discover their voice and how to incorporate that into their writing. On the flip side, frequent writing could also help young writers discern when they should leave their personal voice out of a piece of writing or when it would be inappropriate to include it. However, I believe that proponents of frequent writing in the classroom should pay attention to this caveat: frequent writing should be coupled with reasonable instruction. In other words, I do not think allowing students to write in whatever form they wish would be beneficial. I think writing should also be paired with a concept that I want them to be working on getting better at, which ultimately relates to my end goals of instruction of visible, positive growth in their writing. The meta-analysis completed by George Hillocks found research that supported that free-writing should not be the focus of writing instruction. This is not to say that free-writing is not beneficial to students, but …show more content…

Rather than just giving my students the assignment in class and leaving them to complete it by the due date on their own, I will devote plenty of class time to the writing process. Boudreau Smith also supports this technique, as she claims that “writers need process, not product” and that we should engage students in more writing in the classroom focused on the entirety of the writing process (71). Even though these students are in high school, they will still be novice writers, and some of them might not have written a complete essay, research paper, literature review, etcetera. Therefore, I will start by spending an extensive amount of time explaining the assignment to my students, going over expectations, and answering questions to make sure they feel comfortable with the task I am presenting them with before putting them to work. Then, I think that the beginning stages of the writing process should include a great deal of group work. I think group discussion is one of the most effective ways of brainstorming ideas and getting responses to those ideas in a positive, collaborative environment. Providing students with inquiry-based activities and assignments will engage them in productive, meaningful discussion that will produce learning that will be evident in their individual writing. Depending on the grade level I am

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