My Vision Quest

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For my vision quest, I molded the assignment into something a bit different. Instead of walking around by myself and looking for answers, I decided to get a group of friends and not look for any answers at all. One of my favorite quotes goes as follows, “To do list: wake up, drink water, call mom, answer a question, question an answer.” I’ll explain why that is significant later, but it does have to do my final result. Instead of going on my own vision quest, I kind of hosted a group quest to gain perspective. In the past, it has been easy for me to fall into bad habits, and become isolated because of the stress and pressure of school. Since my roommate and I had exams on Monday, I thought it would be good to get some friends together, who …show more content…

That’s been making me realize how much reality is skewed to mean society’s standards. Society pushed education so much that in the process it loses its meaning. Like other situations, people shouldn’t feel like they are stuck in a corner with information shoved in their face, they must seek out the information for themselves. At what point does the drive for getting “good grades” overpower your own self value? The quest allowed me to identify and connect with my feelings. It’s so hard to find a balance between everything in life, and it’s something I’m constantly striving for. Quests like this, reconnect me with the need for balance and alleviates stress. When I was driving that was cultural. stores, after stores, after more store. But when we went up to the watch tower, it was much more natural. Besides the man-made path, tunnel, and watchtower, the healing powers of nature could really get to work. I think that at this point in American society, everyone in brought up in a system that is extremely cultural. Everything we do is because of American ideals, and natural ideas are rarely included. Although I like to believe I am where I am in my life right now, because I want to and because of the choices I’ve made (natural) culture tells me that in right where they want me. Playing by their rules. This exercise surprised me. I didn’t expect to go out and find answer, but the answers seemed to find me. Since I modified it to fit my needs I think it made it stronger, in my perspective. But also, since I was with friends and I wasn’t always in complete silence, that could have made it weaker. This assignment taught me a lot of things. In an attempt to help others, I ended up helping myself. My sign showed me that my meaning of life is other people. All I want to do is help them in any way possible. As I stood on that watchtower at 8:49pm I realized that the people you surround yourself

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