My Study Of Computer Science

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After taking the extremely difficult decision to discontinue my studies of Computer Science at Imperial College London, returning to the academic world to study Computing has been my greatest desire and challenge. My guiding principle has been my passion to keep learning about and using Computers and Mathematics.
Having a profound interest in discrete mathematics, I have always wanted to work on logic and that is the major reason for me to choose Computing. During my A-levels, I learned Visual Basic independently and how logic can be utilized for problem solving in any complex scenario. I also implemented these useful VB codes into my AS ICT coursework for which I received 97%. The puzzle-solving aspect of mathematics has always intrigued me and led me to take part in the UKMT Maths Challenge for which I have won a gold award. I believe my strong mathematical background has made it easier for me to think and apply logic when constructing a program. Apart from the fact that mathematics lays the building blocks for most careers, the satisfaction I get when I figure out a new concept or...

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