My Role Model Of Stealing In The Journey Of Life

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People are always leaving footsteps wherever they go. In the snow, sand or mud you will always find the footsteps of someone who has been there before. These footsteps make it easier to walk through different terrain if you follow in them. Children tend to follow in the footsteps of their parents or whoever they are with going through that journey. These footsteps can also lead you to your destination, or can make you get lost on your way there. The footsteps children often choose to follow are clear to them and can be seen as far as the eye can see. They lead all the way to the destination without fading and are perfectly shaped every time. These are the steps that will make you successful because they are made by someone that has a positive impact on you. If the …show more content…

On your journey, there will always be different sets of footprints to follow, and those footprints will lead you to a destination that can be negative or positive. Likewise, role models can have positive and negative effects in your life but you can choose who to follow. I feel really lucky to have my parents as my role models because I have chosen to follow in their footsteps through the journey of life. I learned many things from them and they have taught me important tools that I can use in life. When my brother was being born, my dad was looking after me, my sister and my mom because we were all separated. I felt like I was being shown what responsibility looked like, and so I responded by helping out and taking care of my sister to ease the responsibilities of my dad. I learned

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