My Reflection For Nursing: My Philosophy Of Nursing

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As I reflect on the memorable moment that inspired me to pursue nursing, it seemed like yesterday when I was sitting in the hospital waiting room in tears, feeling confused and lost. My eldest sibling had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. In the blink of an eye, I felt like I lost a part of him and all of our childhood memories just completely vanished. During that moment a nurse entered the room placed her hand on my shoulder. She spoke comforting words and reassured that my brother was under the best possible care. Her simple presence and kindhearted words brought light to that tragic day, she made me feel like everything would be okay. It was then that I realized nurses are more than just healthcare professionals, they are caring and compassionate people who uplifts your spirits in times of need. So five years later, I am writing this essay pursuing my life-long goal of becoming a nurse. It brings feelings of joy to know that the empathetic and compassionate nature of that nurse greatly influenced my desire to help others. From that moment forward, I knew nursing was the right pathway for me. Intrigued and excited to explore my newfound career field, I I grew mature to recognize ways in which I could improve my weaknesses. Following my degree completion, I maintained full time employment while attending San Joaquin Delta College to complete nursing prerequisites and enhance my overall GPA. In doing so, I maintained an average post-baccalaureate GPA of 4.0 and became a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society. One course I undertook that was particularly helpful was a Time Management class. I studied how to prioritize tasks, minimize stress, and successfully manage my academic and personal responsibilities. This included utilizing my free time to attend office hours, preparing for lectures in advance, and setting aside an adequate amount of study

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