My Personal Goals And My Goals Of An Effective Teacher

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Being an effective teacher is not an easy job and being a teacher that makes a difference in the lives of students is even harder. I have had a couple of teachers throughout my educational career that have made a difference in my life and it is my hope to be a teacher that makes a difference. In order to do so it is vital that I see my students as individuals and focus on more than their role as a student. I also believe that there are specific pieces of knowledge that all of my students need to know and it is my responsibility to pass those on. Lastly, to be effective I need to teach my students some self-discipline while still allowing them to be active learners. My central goals as a teacher are to focus on the whole child, to make sure that I transmit the core of knowledge to my students, and to use some external control to shape their behavior.

My goals are based on the progressivist, essentialist and behaviorist philosophies of education and on the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky. The progressivist philosophy of education says that “education should focus on the whole child” and that “students should test ideas by active experimentation” (SOURCE). First, there are many different aspects of students that will affect their ability to learn, …show more content…

An effective teacher needs to find a way for every student to learn but a teacher who makes a difference shows students that there are no limits. Therefore, I am a teacher because I think that I can encourage my students to push past their own self-constructed limits and excel in every subject. In summary, it is my desire to be a teacher that makes a difference. By focusing on my goals and trying to be the best teacher that I can be, I believe that I can make a difference in the lives of my

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