My Personal Aspects Of Math And Math Experiences

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My overall impressions about math are mostly positive. Math is a subject that always came very easy to me when I was in grade school. I think I enjoyed it mostly because I was good at it. I was always ahead of my class when it came to math, so I took math courses a grade ahead of me from the time I was in the fourth grade. By my seventh grade year I was taking a high school Algebra I course. I continued at an accelerated pace from my eighth grade year until my junior year of high school where I stopped high school courses at AP Calculus. After my junior year I began college mathematics courses. I took Algebra and statistics during my senior year of high school. I have not had a math class outside of the education college since. Currently, I enjoy doing elementary mathematics. I feel that it …show more content…

My math learning experiences were, for the most part, very positive. I loved moving through my accelerated pace and learning different branches of mathematics when I was in school. I thought it was “cool” to move up into higher grades and take classes with those kids. My most memorable math experiences vary by grade level. In the sixth grade, my math teacher was very enthusiastic and we did a great amount of hands on learning that I enjoyed. He also used many visual representations that stuck with me. For example, when learning greater than and less than, he created alligator mouth posters that we used for practice with the entire class on review days. My eighth grade year was very memorable for me because I had the opportunity to go to the high school and be in their classes. I loved that! My worst memory of mathematics comes from my AP

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