My Passion And Obsession

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Many people both old and young dream about turning their obsessions and passions into reality. In the quest to making one's dream to come true, there is a need to consider the real nature of obsession and maintaining a balance between obsession and passion. Sometimes psychologists question whether being obsessed with one's dreams is an ingredient for dedication and creativity or a mental illness. The statistical guidebook for diagnosing mental disorders considers an obsession as a persistent and recurrent urge, thoughts or images that individuals experience that can generate into distress and anxiety (Brown & Fee, 2002). Furthermore, the individual tries to ignore such feelings or pictures or tries to use other thoughts or actions to neutralize …show more content…

Whereas unwanted thoughts guide an obsessive individual, the passionate ones make conscious decisions grounded on their interests. In my life, my passion and obsession has always been in leadership, and pursuing this dream has been both an obsessive and passionate journey which it involves volunteering and helping other people succeed in life as well. I have found volunteering to be important because it provides an excellent way for a person to prepare for leadership roles. Through my experience as a volunteer in nonprofit organizations such as Potluck in the Park in Portland and Aramco ExPats in Saudi Arabia, I have learned that though volunteering work can be very challenging; because there is no compensation in kind and organizational authority to keep an individual productive and working towards common goals, I realized that when volunteering, individuals develop various leadership skills, this may include learning skills such as setting objectives, learning to work with little resources, working with different kinds of people developing strategies, and motivating and offering guidance to …show more content…

I can relate my obsessive nature to Le Guin’s observations (in the Lathe of Heaven) who demonstrates George Orr’s obsession by balance, design, and by living in line with the ‘way' in the community. All people have dreams but failing to attain them never often make the world to end. Nonetheless, in the Lathe of Heaven, dreams can lead to anything whether good or bad (Le Guin, 2014). In George’s world, dreams are a reality. The audience is not sure whether the issue he experiences makes the universe a nightmare or a dream. What is known is that in this story, the world of dreaming is as significant as the waking universe and it makes the reader wonder what encompasses a dream and what the reality is. Based on my passion, I consider that my dream of being an ideal leader is a reality and that one day the dream will come to pass. I am so committed to my goals that some people often wonder whether I am obsessed or passionate. Well, genuinely speaking, at some point in my life what I experience could be an obsession because it controls my feelings and clouds my judgement. For instance, I am currently a student at Portland State University and I take accounts as my major, however because am so obsessed about being leader in future I intend to drop Accounts and major in management and leadership course because I find it to interesting and more appealing to my dream and I feel I can

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