My Papa's Waltz By Theodore Roethke

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“My Papa’s Waltz” is a poem by Theodore Roethke reminiscing over a rather bittersweet memory from when he was a youth. The narrative recounts the dangerously rough way his father would dance with him late at night. Roethke’s description of the event gives the feeling that it was unbearable and an unpleasant memory. However, once the reader learns that the author’s father died during Theodore’s childhood, it can be assumed through clues in the poem that the speaker cherishes this memory. “My Papa’s Waltz” presents the idea that death has the power to make amends for past disputes. Throughout the poem the speaker recalls memories of his father’s dancing, and the actions the father committed make him look like a violent and even an alcoholic …show more content…

While none of the lines mention how the kid felt dancing with his father, the majority of them are describing the objective events during one specific dance. If one were to interpret these actions at face value they would imagine a heavily intoxicated man man-handling a child around the kitchen. There are several lines that depict the pain this dance is causing the boy such as “The hand that held my wrist / Was battered on one knuckle;” (9-10) and “My right ear scraped a buckle, / You beat time on my head” (12-13). This evidence is enough to suggest that the father was very hard on the son, but there are inferences that can be made for more proof. The mentioning of the fathers “palm caked hand” (14) is a well-placed hint that the father was a hard worker, which could cause him to be even angrier as a parent, and depending on heavy drinking to relax …show more content…

The poem being written in 1948, making Roethke forty years old, was made at a time when Roethke is older and more able to understand his father’s position. While the actions in the poem appear to incriminate the father, the tone throughout seems lighthearted and playful. The word “Papa” in the title has a connotation to a small child’s loving term for his father. The rhyme and rhythm of the lines give the poem an upbeat, playful mood. This mood gives the poem the feeling that the author is looking back at these memories as hilarious, given tragedy plus time equaling comedy, and is thankful for the time his busy father would spend with him. As a man, Theodore could understand the hard work it takes to provide for a family and the emotional toll it would

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