My New Life As An Immigrant

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My new life Task:1 Hi! I am Henry. I am a 16 year old immigrant which have lived most of my life in poverty. I now live in England but I am originally from Somalia. My family and I was offered a boat trip to England so we could start a new life. We gave the boat company all of our money and went on the boat. It was packed with other people, the boat lay just above the waterline. I was terrified to go onboard and I thought we all were going to sink and drown. After a week of praying that we would not sink we finally saw land. We stepped out of the boat and walked up the beach. A man in white dress gave us our new papers and new passports. There was some busses behind him that we went into. They drove us to our new homes. The landscape was really different, I thought it was really nice. We arrived at our new home and paced out. My dad got a job after just a couple of days, but my mom was struggling more. She had no education at all and we all needed money. …show more content…

I didn’t speak great English at all and I barely understood the teachers. The other students was bullying me for my atrocious English and I had a terrible time whiteout any friends. Mr. Robert my math teacher was the only teacher that understood my problem. He told my parents about my understanding problem and he said he recommend sending me to a course so I could learn English. I knew that wouldn’t happen as long as mom didn’t have a job. A couple of days later my mother got a job. We finally had money for my English course. Every day after school I went on the course, I was working hard to understand the grammar and words. Every day I went back to school I got less and less bullied for my atrocious English. In my class I was the most hard working person and my grades raised a lot

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