My Mother Stand Up For One More Day Essay

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One by one… all of the books in the world are slowly but surely disappearing. I can only save one book, For One More Day by Mitch Albom is the book I’m going to be saving. This book pays reverence to mothers by beautifully displaying the abiding power of a mother’s love. The love between Chick Benetto and his mother in this book shows that a mother’s love can overstep death. This book is worth saving because the memories told between Chick and his mother in this story are both heartening and somber, leaving readers touched by these bitter-sweet moments. This book can be very touching to people who have lost their own loved ones. The main character, Chick Benetto, is a drained, crushed, sad man, but that is what is so relatable about this …show more content…

Chick only genuinely understands the adversities his mother sustained throughout his life after her death. Throughout Chick’s life, he chose his father because of his strict demands for the loyalty of his son. He continuously treated his mother with disrespect. There are two categories that Chick reflects on throughout the book: Times My Mother Stood Up For Me, and Times I Did Not Stand Up For My Mother. Some of the situations described in this story were humorous, but also very relatable. We don’t often think of the ways we could have respected and stood up for our parents. We also don’t often give our parents recognition for all they have struggled through for us. Sometimes, we don’t even recognize our parents as normal people overall. Parents try their hardest to keep their children away from the harsh realities of life, which is what Chick’s mother was aiming for his whole life. But the real harsh reality is that Chick never treated his mother with the respect she deserved. After her death, he struggled with alcohol, depression, and much more sad things. This story inspires readers to respect their parents more, because giving them respect is the least someone can do for all their parent’s have sacrificed for

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