My Mother Pieced Quilts By Teresa Aciste

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Everyone has characteristics that makes them unique. One’s value will be stronger than another, depending on how one cares for their heritage, compared to someone who does not care as much. When representing what ones heritage is and others will not represent theirs. There are objects and actions that make someone the person they are which could be theirs physical appearance or what they do with family. In the poem “My Mother Pieced Quilts” by Teresa Aciste and the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, both author’s use imagery and figurative language to establish a quilt as a symbol for valuing ones family roots to illustrate their themes.

Throughout the story “My Mother Pieced Quilts” By Teresa Aciste shows that the kids appreciate the love that the mother has for them. The poem uses the needle and quilt as a symbol of the mothers repairing and knotting together the relationship that the family has together. Aciste shows that when saying "how the thread darted in and out …show more content…

When explaining how Dees mother doesn't even understand who she is becoming she expresses "What happened to Dee...being named after the people who oppress me."(pg.62) Shows that Dees does not want to pass the tradition of getting the family name. Dee wants to be a completely new person that starts doing things the way she wants to instead of representing the name like Maggie does. Walker portrays that Dee would rather take what was handed to her and make it as art instead of using it physically. Walker show that when she says "The point is these quilts...What would you do with them?...Hang them,"she said".(pg.64). Showing that Dee does not want to add on to the family tradition but instead she would rather hang the quilt as a tapestry to display it not proudly but something that will collect dust instead of hard work in which her mother uses the quilt

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