My Literacy Test

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It started off like any other day I woke up turned the T.V on watched SpongeBob while eating my breakfast, showered, then threw on my typical 5th grade outfit which always consisted of a sports tee and shorts. Then after getting dressed I boarded my bus and sat in the back of the bus like the cool kid I was. I participated in normal 5th grade chatter talking about sports, telling corny yo mama jokes like “Yo mama so fat she sat on skittles and turned into a rainbow”. After we arrived at my elementary school Switlik I walked to my classroom with my best friend Johnny as the grades below us watched us walk admiring our one strap backpack technique. Once we arrived at Mr.Goldberg’s classroom I put my bag away and sat down at my assigned seat. …show more content…

Goldberg announced that he would be handing back one of our Literacy tests that we had taken last week. I had been heavily anticipating my test grade. I was so confident that I said to Johnny in my high pitched voice “I bet you I got a better grade than you, and if I don’t I’ll give you a dollar, but If I have a higher grade you owe me a dollar.” Johnny of course complied because if he didn’t he would look like what we called a wuss. I was very confident about what my grade would be that I was already thinking about what I would spend the dollar I would win on. But when I received my test it felt like my lung collapsed. I got a 69% on the test, this was the first failing grade I had ever received and devastation set in through my body and I couldn’t help but think “Are you serious?” My first instinct is “Oh this can’t be right”, so I flip through the pages to see the mistake my teacher had obviously made, but of course I came across no mistake. I instantly hid the test grade in the back of my New York Yankees folder and when asked about what I got I said a B+. Johnny had gotten a B+, but I told him the false grade and didn’t pay him the dollar. On the bus ride home I pulled out the test thinking that hopefully that the test grade would magically change, but no that big fat red F was still staring me in the face. I thought about how I was going to tell my parents, but I decided I wasn’t. I thought about ways to disguise the test grade but I …show more content…

So I pulled the test out and got to work. One mistake I made was that I kept erasing my dad’s forged signature till I thought it was perfect, and left eraser marks all over the paper. So the next day I hand in my forged test, and my teacher doesn’t notice anything. I thought to myself “I got away with it, wow that was easy.” But not even 10min. later my teacher called me to his desk. He then proceeded to tell me “I wasn’t born yesterday Isaiah, there are eraser marks everywhere.” and “Why did you do it, your better than that?” Considering Mr. Goldberg’s personality he left me off with a small punishment. He told me because I hadn’t got in trouble before he wouldn’t give me detention if I showed my parents. I agreed, knowing that I didn’t even have a choice in the matter. On the bus ride home I kept thinking about what my dad was going to say, and to make matters worse I had to wait for my dad to get home from work. Once my dad got home I pulled out the test, told my father what I did and listened to a lecture that felt like an hour. The first look on his face was a look of shock and disappointment, he also let me know he felt. He said “Isaiah not only have you disappointed me you have lost my trust and it’s going to take a lot of time and work to regain that back.” That was the lowest moment of my life. I was grounded for a month, and that month was brutal because every

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