My Knee Paw

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The one event in my life I want to remember is the day I shattered my kneecap. I was working out with my brother at a boxing gym that was close to our house. We would usually lift weights for about two hours, but my brother wanted us to do this exercise that would be doing jumping jacks on these huge tires behind the building. I seen no problem with it so I got a big tire and started doing jumping jacks. I did about six jumping jacks until I fell off the tire mid jump. I landed on another big tire that cushioned my fall. When I tried to get up for this big tire, my right leg wouldn’t move. I told my brother “ I can't get up.” My brother stopped what he was doing to help me get up. My brother offered me a ride back to the house. I said “Yeah, I better get go home.” He helped me to the back seat of his forerunner and he drove me home. …show more content…

Our mom came to us to ask us to how our days were, but all that came out was “What happened.” I told her “I feel no pain but for some reason it hurts to move it.” She then asked “why does is look so swollen?” I looked down to find that my knee was the size of a cantaloupe. I said “It must be from the fall.” She then insisted that I go to the hospital. I disagreed because I felt the doctor would agree with me that it nothing to be concerned about. My mom then forced me to go the hospital to get it checked out. It took us about forty minutes to get there, and when we got to talk with the doctor, he told me he has to get it x-rayed. I didn’t mind it until I had to lay sideways on my injured

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