My Interest In Diverse Education

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Over my time in high school I have gained interests in music, cooking, Chinese, chemistry, and broadcasting. However, despite my variety of interests, my two passions are Chinese and Music. As much as possible, I try to use these passions in my daily life, and I’ve found that one of the most beneficial ways to use those passions, or any passion for that matter, is to share them and teach others. Diverse education is both one of the most justifiable purposes, and is self sustaining as the more people learn. The more people learn, the more they can help themselves and their community, and the more people can learn from them.
Because my life has improved greatly because of my various teachers, I hope to improve the lives of others by doing the same. I love passing knowledge down to others who are interested in the same topics. This past year, I’ve been …show more content…

With a liberal arts curriculum based on a diverse variety of classes, as well as strong options to dual major, I know that it is right for someone like me. Outside of class, I hope to become involved with a variety of clubs such as the chemistry club, CWMEA, and the pep band that will hopefully sustain my main interests, let me explore other interests, and share those interests with others. Along with joining clubs, I hope to possibly start a club focusing on on-line video and using the medium for entertainment, education, and awareness of various issues. I’m hoping to join the international Honors program in order to learn how to integrate my interests and use them for just reasons in a global outlook. I hope to learn from my peers and hope they feel the same. I also hope I will get opportunities to help with education in the general community during my years, weather through volunteering at educational events, with local volunteer organizations, or with the schools in the

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