My Future Funeral Ceremony

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Death is inevitable, but people are usually afraid to die. It is mostly because of the lack of knowledge about the life after death. A lot of people are afraid to die, because they think they will simply disappear and leave no sign of their existence on the earth. However, I am not that kind of person. I believe that the life after death exists and it is just the new start. Thus, it is not a problem for me to think about my future death, and funeral ceremony. Generally, I prefer to think that the funeral ceremony is a kind of ritual of saying goodbye to the people you love. So, I would prefer my future funeral ceremony to be well planned and quite positive ritual, which will leave the people I love with the warm feeling that I am always with them.
First of all, I would like to mention the place where I would like to be buried: it is my native country Benin. This will probably be the best place for my body to rest really “in peace”. Only in Benin I always feel comfortable and relaxed, and I believe that everybody should never forget his or her native country, because the place where ...

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