My First Roller Coaster Ride

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The Longest Ride So there we were waiting our lives away for what seemed like forever. We were in line waiting to ride the Demon, a two minute long roller coaster at Six Flags Great America in Indiana. It was the middle of summer and such a hot day out; people were perspiring quite a bit making the crowded maze like line very smelly. There were people of all ages waiting in line, from what looked like twelve up to an older couple that looked like they were in their sixties. I was with a few of my friends, Cassie, Amber, and Kelsey. We decided to come here for the day while the boys (all of our boyfriends) went to a car show. Finally, after almost four hours of waiting we were at the gate and ready to board the roller coaster. We were so …show more content…

For those of you that don’t know what that is, it is exactly as it sounds, the track that the roller coaster glides on spirals around meaning you go upside down then back upright. When we started going into this cork and I noticed we were not picking up speed, just as we started going upside down the roller coaster came to a complete stop. It was so thrilling and a huge adrenaline rush. I kept waiting for the coaster to start going again but when it didn’t I was scared to death. I realized that this wasn’t part of the ride, we were stuck. I couldn’t hear anything but my mind over flowing with thoughts. Are we all going to die? What if my harness releases and I fall out? Do they know that we are stuck? I look over at Amber and she too is freaking out (along with everyone else on the ride). She looks over at me and asks “Are we going to make if off this ride?” I reply with what I think is a calm “yes, were going to be fine”, but probably wasn’t very calm at all. But in my mind I’m thinking the same things that she is. I notice my hands are all sweaty and my fingers are starting to cramp, I look down at them and my fingers are as purple as an eggplant from squeezing the handles on the shoulder harness so hard; holding on for dear life in fear that my harness may unlock itself and pop open. It feels like we’ve been stuck here for hours but I know that it’s only been maybe five minutes. My mind just won’t stop not even for a minute. I keep thinking how are they going to get me off of this I’m hanging upside down? What if they accidentally push the harness release button when they’re trying to fix it and we all fall out? My head starts to feel heavy and I can feel it starting to throb, my sinuses feel like they’re full, and the air feels heavy to breathe

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