My First Laptop

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I received my first laptop computer at the young age of seven, I can remember that day almost as if it were yesterday. That day was truly a surprise, and I believe that event has sculpted who I am today. The day started out as any other summer day, me playing with toys in my room, my mother cooking, and my father outside doing who knows what with the garden. I proceeded to play with my toys for a few hours until lunch was ready, we had chicken tenders that day. After we had finished eating lunch my mother went to check the mail, and i decided to go with her. After the very short ride to and from the post office my mother gave me a mail order toy catalog, of course the catalogs from that seller contained an impeccable number of knickknacks and things that were described to be more amazing than they really were. I came across the “Electronic Entertainment” section of the toy catalog, this particular section had several “sub” sections containing various types of electronic toys and gadgets, but the section that caught my eye the most was the “computer” section. In hindsight these “co...

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