My First Job At The Mall

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As far back as I could remember, I was always in a rush to grow up and be responsible. I was about thirteen when I realized I wanted a job, so I could have my own money. I’d even fill out applications online, lying about my age but it never worked. A few birthdays went by and I was celebrating my sixteenth birthday and a few weeks later; I received my first retail job. My very first job was at a popular teen store called Aeropostale. I learned and experienced a lot working there and made friends as well. Although, I got what I desired, I often had uncertainties once I really got the feel for the part-time position. In life, people leave and things change and by the end of my employment, I would soon look back and realize it.
It was a Saturday afternoon, when my friend Jalissa came over and wanted me to go to the mall with her. Jails had just gotten hired at the mall and hadn’t been on a shift since. On the car ride to the mall, she mentioned that she had gotten the job at Aeropostale and that the manager was still looking for employees. Being desperate for a job and money, I took it all in and as soon as we got to our destination, I was ready to put on my professional mask. Walking into the store, which I hadn’t shopped there in years because it was always so expensive. I noticed a tall, lean, and handsome guy in the back folding shirts,that guy was Cornell Brown, the store manager . I had spoken with him and mentioned that I wanted an opportunity to work for the company and he nonchalantly handed me an application and I quickly ran to a nearby store for a pen to fill it out. After about five minutes, I was back with the piece of paper that could be my golden ticket for a job. Cornell began to ask me questions, the question t...

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...esses with my source of income! My mom and Kirby resolved the situation and she was being as nice as possible, I no longer felt welcomed and soon found another job.
I worked at Aerpostale for over two years and had never gotten a promotion, I guess with so much chaos going on no-one grew. So, in a sense it made my life a bit miserable but I wouldn’t change anything that happened because everything happens for a reason. My first job really taught me a huge lesson and it opened my eyes to the realization that everyone comes and goes and that’s just how the business is. Everyone is replaceable and company’s don’t really care about the well-being of their staff. I can say that after all of the nonsense and two years of experience, I have a new job that I am proud of. Money isn’t everything, especially if you 're not happy with the job you have making it.

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