My Experience With A Group Project In Human Communication

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Most people consider group projects the worst part of a class because often it ends up with one person doing all the work and others taking credit. Or there is that one person who doesn’t do anything and tensions can get high. However, my experience with a group project in Human Communications was different that what is normally expected. During this semester of Human Communications I learned many things about communicating, and I experienced the good and bad aspects of working with others for the group project. Throughout the semester, I prepared for speeches and assignments and worked on my public speaking skills. For the group presentation there was a lot of thought that went into our topic and the ideas that we came up with. Additionally, …show more content…

My role in the project was to put together the powerpoint and create the outline once we were all finished researching and the powerpoint was completed. For the information, I researched about bullying and cyberbullying and their effects on children. I found a lot of statistics that supported our information in the presentation as well. To tie into the information that I found about bullying, I found the story about 11 year old, Jake Ross. Jake was a direct victim of bullying and he decided to do something about how he was being treated which then helped many other children who were in the same position as Jake. He had a very touching story that fit in well with our presentation. For the presentation, Eric researched about popularity and some of the costs of being popular and how it can affect everyone. He also talked about why popularity is important and why we need to be informed about it. Eric additionally put together all the references in APA format. We had most of our websites that we found information on one google doc, and Eric made the reference page for the presentation. For Alissa’s part of the presentation, she researched about popularity affects boys versus girls. Also, she talked about popularity in the media. We felt that playing video clips from Mean Girls was the best way to show what we were talking about. I think that researching our topic wasn’t difficult because we were all interested in our topic, so we found it easier to learn about it and do the research. Once everyone had their information, we all added our parts to the presentation and edited it to make sure the order we presented in made sense. Before we presented, we got together a few times to practice going through our powerpoint and making sure that it met the time criteria. A few times it was difficult to meet up to practice because of everyone’s schedule and we are all busy, but it

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