My Experience At Greensprings School In Lagos, Nigeria

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When I lived in Lagos, Nigeria I attended Greensprings school at Lekki. I am the third child of four. Cost of attendance since grade school was over 20,000 Naira per child per semester. The school I went to was a private uniform boarding school. This is where I learned the British English language.We had school buses, but most of the students including myself did not use them because we had our family chauffeurs. Many of us were involved in many organizations at school, including school representatives, sports and more. Our schools were divided in half. We did not have elementary school from Pre-K -5th, middle school from 6th grade - 8th, and high school from 9th-12th grade. We had primary and secondary school. Primary school was from Pre-K to 7th grade, and secondary school was from 8th grade to 13th. These two separate schools were still taught at the location …show more content…

I was involved in being a prefect. To earn the title of being a prefect was a huge honor. I patrolled the school and made sure everything was running like it was supposed to, and if it wasn’t I was to report to my senior prefect who would then report to our headmaster of the primary school. My two older siblings we’re senior prefects who did a little more than I did because they were dealing with not only incidents during school hours but in residential halls as well. I was too young to be enrolled in boarding school at Greensprings but my older sister and brothers were enrolled. So while I was at home they lived at school. I barely saw my siblings due to the number of people enrolled was so massive it would hard to find them. I also did not have a cellphone to contact them because according to my parents I was too young, so I was stuck having to figure stuff out on my own. Not being able to be in boarding school limited some activities I could have been part of but did not stop me from doing

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