My Exandinary Program Analysis

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I found out about this exandinary program through my first period, which is Business and Law. The explanation of your program was very detailed and very informing. I would like to start this essay with a brief summary about me and my life. My full name is Jordan Tyrese Bediako I was born on November 5th 2001 to the parents of Mertina and Nicholas Bediako. I have one older sibling named Nicholas, who was apart of the disney dreamers academy; something I hope to do in the foreseeable future. Although I was born in North Carolina, do to be a military child I spent time in Germany, Virgina and eventually came back to North Carolina. As of right now i’m an all A’s student, however I always been a top notch student because I’m determined and I adapt to situations very fast. …show more content…

I am currently on the Western Harnett High School Track, I was going to play football and basketball but unfortuently I suffered a injury in my left foot keeping me out from what I was hoping would be a dominate season. However the reason I want to be in the upward bound program because although I’m a exceptional student I would like to participate in this college type program. The college I hope to get in is the University of Duke. I’ve been already researching the topics that these colleges offer. The one topic that caught my attention for Duke university is African and American Studies, the reason I’m so interested in this category is a little part of my older sibling honestly. He’s always talking about black excellence and how you should carry yourself, I would like to be able to carry myself the way my parents do and showcase my skills in the world. The second reason for this is my Dad. He is from Ghana west Africa and lived there for all of his childhood. I would like to experience the culture and lifestyle he was raised in, and I would mainly like to learn about my past ancestors; In hopes of teaching

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