My Definition of Social Studies

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My Definition of Social Studies

Social studies is the study of world cultures, social and economic

issues. It took some time for me to come up with this definition but

after years of studying history I feel social studies is not just

geography, civics, and history.

I do not remember my childhood years of social studies other than

studying about white men and the black men they enslaved or the white

men who signed the constitution and what great men they were. I

always felt the history I learned was one-sided.

When I got to junior high school not much had changed. We did begin

to learn about a few great black people such as, George Washington

Carver, WEB Dubois, and Harriet Tubman. By the time I got to high

school, I had formed an attitude. I did not like history because all

we ever studied was the Civil War, World War I, and World War II and

according to history books only white men did something great in these

wars. My high school government teacher understood how I felt and

allowed me to study about Africa...

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