My Business Role Model

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Business leaders implore inspiration from everyone especially the young folk who have future business prospects. The success aura that surrounds what their lives can partly be attributed to the fact that some people immortalize them. How they handle themselves and the strides they make in business environment leaves a lot to be admired. Therefore, many people will always be curious about these leaders and would want to follow in their footsteps. Therefore, in this project, I will be examining my business role model. The project aims to provide an intricate insight on the life of the chosen role model. In doing so, I will be able to know the particular strengths that enabled him/her to be at the place where they are right now. If his success is anything to go by, they do not live ordinary lives or do ordinary things. For some …show more content…

I intend to continue practising them in the e-commerce industry after my masters and will become evidence from my responsibility as I learn from Jeffrey. The success trait that I adore is learning new ideas from other successful leaders like Jeffrey and learning how I can incorporate them in my path. Learning not to quit no matter how hard the situation has become my personal strength and means I stand to handle any e-commerce situation arising. These strengths will mould me and thus I will be firm and ready to achieve more in my path. The plan I intend to use to employ these strengths is consulting more successful leaders and taking into consideration their advices. Being prone to emotions is my greatest weakness and can get into my success way. I only need to control my emotions which are a good plan to resolve the weakness. Associating with positive people who have visions and goals is a good plan of how I solve my weaknesses. They will teach me how to cool down and become a successful leader. (Byres,

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