My Brother Wilfredo Eulogy

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Eulogy for my brother Wilfredo

Today, I am writing in the memory of my brother, Wilfredo, so that I may acknowledge and share both our joy in the gift that his life was to my family and me, and the pain that his passing brings. In sharing the joy and the pain together today, may I lessen the pain and remember more clearly the joy. Wilfredo was just 44 years old when he passed away on Tuesday at Cajamarca, Peru. He was born on June 16, 1963 Peru. Wilfredo spent his life in Cajamarca farming for over 30 years. He lived his life to the fullest and touched so many people during his life. I try to reach out for the right words to express my thoughts about my brother Wilfredo, I remembered the many valued and meaningful roles that Wilfredo played throughout his life. I see him as the family man. He loved his family profoundly. He was devoted husband, son, father, uncle, brother, and friend. My brother was a comfort for my mom and us. He was a very respectful …show more content…

He was a good friend to so many he could be counted on and depended on always. Whether when I need a simple advice, an empathetic ear, a shoulder to lean on, companionable silence, a listener he always was there for me and for my others siblings. Wilfredo was not cruel man and he wanted his children to understand that nothing can be gained from holding a grudge or leaving any issue that was very wrong unclear. He spoke out when it really counted, his strong principles did not allow him to let something wrong stand unchallenged. He shared his expertise with anyone who would listen, also he worked hard and consistently and he remained a student of life. My brother never stopped learning especially through his loving wife and children. He never sat back and became complacent. He led by example as he mentored his nephews and nieces and his own children in a way that anyone of them can say that he was an inspiration in his

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