My Aquarium

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My Aquarium

The place I decided to do my paper on is located in the living room of

my family’s house. It is a one hundred gallon aquarium. The reason I

chose this as the topic of my paper is that all kingdoms are present

except for Plantae in it and it is its own ecosystem.

Before I go in detail about the organisms in the aquarium, I would

like to mention the accessories that make this aquarium a stable

environment and allow the organisms to grow happily. The temperature

needs to mimic natural reefs that are often found in tropical

regions. The tank needs to be 78 degrees F. In the summer water is

pumped through a chiller that lowers the temperture to exactly what it

needs to be and there is also a conventional aquarium heater to raise

tempature during colder times. Natural reefs also need lots of

sunlight. This is mimicked by two large 250 watt metal halide and 4

(3 foot) vho lights. These high intensity lights produce tremendous

increases in the temperture of the tank which is countered by the

chiller. Nat...

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