Muslim Responses To Black Death Essay

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During this time of the Black Death Christian and Muslim responses were quite different. The Muslims thought the plague was a blessing because it came from God. Muslims thought anything that came from God was a blessing it was a belief in their religion. While the Christians called out and cried to God asking what to do. Although the Christians and Muslims had similarities in the prevention and causes of the Black Death the two religions responses were very different.
During the thirteenth century the plague started spreading, it spread through the trade routes of many countries. Many people only heard of the plague being in China, but little did they know that the infection was already following the routes. The were three types of the Black Death Bubonic, Pneumonic, and Septicemic.The Bubonic strain of the plague was more common, an infected person would have symptoms of chills, fever, vomiting, and rapid heartbeat. The person would soon develop inflamed swelling which were called buboes. Once a person had these buboes within a week, fifty to eighty percent of these infected
Although many responses were different the Muslims thought the plague was a blessing from God. While the Muslims were believing this the Christians believed the Jewish people poisoned the wells. They thought this because Rumours were going around Europe about the Jews.The Christians burnt the Jews in Strasbourg. The town council tried to protect the Jews but the council was overthrow. They replaced the council with new anti-semitic members. This caused 900 of the 1,884 jews in Strasbourg being killed. This continued all over Europe many Jewish communities had been destroyed and over 350 massacres had taken place. At this time the Muslims tolerated the unassimilated communities in the Middle East. The Muslims did not hold anyone responsible for the plague unlike

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