Music Industry Persuasive Essay

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The music industry has been growing for decades. It started it out with just selling cassettes, records, and CDs. Now, it is bigger than that. You can access music at a faster rate from anywhere around the world. The problem with that is that artists now suffer because of it. They do not make enough money from putting their songs in advertisement and lose fans because they do not believe that their favorite artists would end up being sellouts. It has cost for some musicians to become one hit wonders. The musicians lose their authenticity and their credibility. However, it is also helpful for people who are just beginning their music career. For someone who is up and coming in the music industry, it would help them become more recognized. …show more content…

That is why musicians tend to go for bigger and better corporations that help bring in a bigger crowd and a larger sum of money for the artist. When a musicians signs a corporate partnership, they must realize that they are responsible for helping the company sell its product and represent the company. Because, even though the company is sponsoring the musician, they also try to benefit as well. In source 2 “Selling Out Now Worth The Risk”, it says the “Endorsement deals can keep a musician afloat, but can also take the focus away from what really matters— the music.” This means that sure endorsement deals might make a large sum of money for musicians but it also takes away what they had become a musician for. That is their music. Musicians are passionate about their music and sometimes lose that passion because they do not stay true to themselves. They do what the company tells them to do even if they do not agree with it because they had signed a contract. Some of the things they could make the musician do is play a part of an advertisement. This also causes them to lose their credibility and authenticity. The fans start to doubt their credibility because they are not staying true to themselves and selling out to advertisement

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