Muscular Atrophy Case Study

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1 SanchezAndrea SanchezBiology 061Doctor HardinMonday, December 18, 2017Spinal Muscular AtrophySpinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) it is a genetic disease that affects everything from the brain to your toes. It is a muscular diseases, therefore it affects all muscles in the body. The disease will affect motor cognitive ability things like clenching you fist or for newborns raising their head will be very limited due to this disease. This article outlines basic information on what the disease is. It explains the stages, the aspects of how it works and how there is treatment but no cure. ( This article provides an insight how this disease began as well as how it is today. To specify it shows how the diseases how …show more content…

( This research article provides categories with data of visible data graphs on the categories. This research article also provides case studies. ( this diseases weakens all muscle control, it beings by slowing down the muscles that allows us to chew and swallow, it can also cause hypotonia, and have respiratory problems and pneumonia, it can cause scoliosis.Causemutation in the survival motor neuron gene, it is a gene that gives us the ability to move the nerves in our muscles freely Age & onset progressionit can start from any age, there are four types of SMA. The first type is when it begins in an 7-18 months, children that have this cannot stand or walk around on their own without someone there to help them out, these children used to not live past two years but because of the technology we have now they are able to live longer. The second type is when it starts affecting their breathing, these children do live a lot longer. Type 3 is when older children and or teenagers that already learned to walk and stand suddenly lose that

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