Munching On Eye Candy Analysis

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Activity7.8a: Munching on Eye Candy [old Activity 9.1] Your coworker Jane Schmaltz ordered some bad salmon for lunch and went home sick. She can't give that presentation on web design to the executive committee this afternoon. You get the phone call: can you do it in 45 minutes? Of course you can, you reply. (This is how you can be certain it's only make-believe.) You just read this cool article in Kissmetrics about how web design improves business. But there's a twist. One of the vice-presidents used to work for Kissmetrics. He knows all about that article and recommended it to you. Unlike Jane, you can't simply regurgitate what you've consumed. You've got to put it in your own words. And you've got to make it refer to your own e-commerce …show more content…

What's the overall goal of your website? 2. Explain the kind of good web design described in the Kissmetrics article in a sentence or two. Why is this type of design important to your specific website? Is it because your target audience might be easily distracted? Because they're used to sophisticated, professional presentations when they shop online? 3. The blog post states that websites with a lot of "eye candy" and things to click on and interact with leads to more visits and more purchases. Name three or four pieces of eye candy you would place on your website to encourage …show more content…

• Demonstrating the ability to... Differentiation: Expansion: [Rubric Name] Standards Covered: Activity7.8b: E-Commerce Job: Marketing Manager [old Activity 8.2] We had you look at what a Marketing Manager does to put an idea in your fertile mind about the kinds of e-commerce careers you might try to enter one day. But the important subject here is not the job title but the techniques that a Marketing Manager does and that you might do yourself, whatever your job title is. 1. What are the five basic things (read: marketing techniques, not going out for coffee, shmoozing around the water fountain, etc.) a Marketing Manager does? Which of the five seems especially important to you? Why? How would you use this technique yourself? Give us three to four sentences on the subject. [input field] 2. Don't be put off by this--anyone can do marketing for an e-commerce business--but the article says that in order to be hired for a job with the title Marketing Manager, you need...what? Does this seem doable to you--something you could possibly do yourself? Let us know in a sentence or two. t [input

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