Multilingualism Essay

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Multilingualism may be considered important for young South Africans for multiple reasons which include; cultural diversity and identity and prevention of globalization, for overcoming communication problems and language barriers, for enhancing cognitive ability, and in order to compensate for the inadequacies of South Africa's governing systems. All of these points will be discussed.
Ensuring linguistic and cultural diversity
Most of the world's languages have slowly faded from existence overtime and many languages today are also threatened with extinction (Lo Bianco, 2010). This may occur as a result of a particular language being used less and less as time goes by until it no longer exists, fundamentally as it is not considered “prestigious” or useful in today’s society.
This may occur for example, when a child’s first language - which is rarely accepted by the wider community - would likely be a language which the child struggles to maintain as it is not supported in educational systems (Lo Bianco, 2010). This would ultimately result in the child letting go of the language all together as it is not being practiced. This cycle would repeat for many children of the same language, eventually resulting in the language, along with the cultural elements, becoming extinct all together.
This is a devastating phenomenon as it would mean that the world is becoming more and more culturally integrated, contributing to the speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness known commonly as globalization (Lo Bianco, 2010). The disappearance of a large proportion of the world’s languages may therefore have a detrimental effect on cultural diversity (Lo Bianco, 2010).
For these reasons, it is important to maintain multilinguali...

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...broaden their post-secondary possibilities and options considerably (Babson, 2014).
The second reason is simply that if our youth is multilingual from the start then hypothetically, they would have the capacity to be educated in our monolingual education systems as they would be able to understand the language they are taught in because they are multilingual. Raising our youth as multilingual is therefore a means to compensate for our inadequate education systems.
The points discussed have demonstrated why Multilingualism among South Africa’s youth is imperative in creating an easy, diverse, communicative and highly intellectual society making it possible for our youth to attain the ability to change South Africa for the better. Multilingualism is therefore extremely important due to these cultural, communicative, educational and intellectual reasons.

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