Mrs. X

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There was a time when I was a much nicer person. This is not saying that I am a mean person, but perhaps I would be a bit kinder than I a now if I had not met Mrs. X. I am not going to call Mrs. X by her real name, because of the things I say about here could be seen as offensive. It is not that I am trying to be offensive, but things that Mrs. X and her accomplice, Mrs. Z., whom I will not talk about very much, were not kind to me. These two people, especially Mrs. X, impacted my life in a rather negative way.

I probably first saw Mrs. X in first or second grade. She was a rather short woman, who was probably around middle age. Right of the bat, I noticed she was quite… generous. By saying generous, I mean wide. By saying wide, I mean overweight. I will leave you to do use your logic skills to make that simple connection. Mrs. X was also a rather short woman. I would say she was probably around 5 feet 2 inches tall or so. She had fairly short brown hair that I think ended somewhere around her porky shoulders. I believe she usually wore sweaters and jeans to school, but it is difficult to be sure.
Mrs. X taught all of the 6th grade classes except for Science and Social studies, which were taught by Mrs. Ludick and Mrs. Z, respectively. She also taught english to the 4th and 5th graders. I remember having her in english in 4th and 5th grade. I thought she was fairly nice. I was to proven very wrong later. She also seemed like a fairly decent teacher; the work could be challenging, but she always made the work understandable. Other than that, she seemed like a very average teacher. Sometimes she would tell irrelevant stories, sometimes she would get mad and lecture, or sometimes she would let us mess around a ...

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... said that she had no idea “that we felt that were were treated poorly” and some other garbage about hurting our feelings. I didn’t believe them. One thing that bothered me was the whole ‘hurting my feelings’ thing. It seems so emotional and weird. In a way, this is pretty sad, because it shows how cold these people made to point where I consider being emotional odd or even annoying. Perhaps the best or the scariest, depending on what I do with it, thing that Mrs. X taught me that you can be very, very influential, especially when dealing with young people. Mrs. X probably knew it. Politicians know it. The media knows it. Every Civics teacher on the planet probably knows it. Now I know it. We will just have to see what I do with it. I plan to do good things with it, and prove to everyone that, despite my joking, I am truly not an especially violent person.

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