Mr Maloney Quotes

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In the book the Luxe has this quote “A lady must retain always her composure. Even in a rainstorm, she must appear joyous and dry.” and another quote is “Although she was fragile in appearance, every prohibition lost substance in her presence.” In addition, in the book shadows on the moon there is this quote “People trust their eyes above all else, but most people see what they wish to see, or what they believe they should see; not what is really there.” All three of these quotes can still be applied to people in today’s society. Ronald Dahl wrote many stories, but he is mostly known for writing classic kid stories. For example, he wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and James and the Giant Peach. He also wrote many …show more content…

Maloney is in a happy marriage to a police officer until she has a conversation with him and receives some terrible news from her husband, Mr. Maloney. The conversation they had is not disclosed to the reader. As a result, from receiving terrible news she is in shock and she started to behave strangely and she ask her husband if he wanted dinner even though he had already said not to make dinner because he was going out. Mrs. Maloney insisted on making dinner even though her husband told her repeatedly that he is leaving. She leaves to go to the freezer and she grabs a piece of lamb to cook, but since she is in shock she uses it to smash it in her husband’s skull and kills him. After, she realized that she kills him she begins to think what she should do. Since she is pregnant she doesn’t want her baby to share the same fate as her for killing her husband because her unborn child bares no sin so she creates a plan to get away with killing her husband. Next, she goes to the store and when she goes back to her home she called the police. She manages to convince the police that she wasn’t the killer and just a victim of a tragedy. Lastly, she insisted that the police officers should have some drinks and lamb and eventually the police officer gave in and ate the lamb so she managed to trick the police into eating the lamb (the murder

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