Mr Bartha Case Study

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Mr. Barta continues to have a very slow recovery and pain. After discussion with physical therapist Bo and speaking with Mr. Barta a second opinion was explored. I made several calls and provided medical records to Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Lilly. Dr. Lilly reviewed the records and recommended waiting for some time yet before exploring a second opinion. Due to my vacation, Denae Bennett attended the appointment on 11/2/17 with Mr. Barta and Dr. Goethe. Ms. Bennett was provided information regarding favored work to provide to Dr. Goethe. She was able to speak with Mr. Barta and also Dr. Goethe's medical assistant. Mr. Barta continues to report poor sleep due to pain and discomfort along with rating his pain levels at 2 to 6 consistently. …show more content…

Barta on 11/6/17. He reports that the change in physical was due to the physical therapist he was working with. He reports he felt like “repeating the same thing was like insanity”. He feels a change of location may help him to gain more strength and endurance. He reports both of his parents went to this location. He had his initial evaluation today and will start therapy on 11/9/17. Mr. Barta had questions regarding the favored work and compensation. I directed Mr. Barta to speak with the adjuster regarding that. Mr. Rider would be happy to provide further information. RETURN TO WORK ACTIVITY Mr. Barta is currently off work until the next appointment on 11/30/17. There is no projection for a return to work yet. Light duty work was requested at the last appointment and Dr. Goethe continued to keep Mr. Barta off work. A current work status was emailed to the employer along with an update on 11/6/17.. ASSESSMENT Mr. Barta continues to make very slow progress. He has resumed hunting for Deer and Turkeys taking his son hunting. He denied that he would try to pick up any animals during the hunt that it was his son hunting. Dr. Goethe continues to not speak with nurse case managers. It is hard to determine what is being said or recommended from the dictation and from Mr. Barta. Mr. Barta has changed physical therapy locations since the prior physical therapist recommended a second opinion of the shoulder. Mr. Barta claimed that his therapy was repetitive in the prior

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