Moving Home Research Paper

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Whether you are moving because of a job, to upgrade or downgrade your home, or for another reason, buying a new home can be an exciting experience. Part of finding the right home for your family’s needs is finding one in the right community. For many families, there are at least four things to consider when it comes to the location of their home. Commute Unless you work from home, you will likely commute to work. When considering a home, it is a good idea to figure out about how long it will take you to get to work. If possible, try the commute to work and back to the house at the time that you would typically be going to work or coming home. This will help you decide if the commute is too long. If you are unfamiliar with the area where you are moving, you may even want to ask a few o your potential neighbors if they know any shortcuts to and from the area where you will be working. As an added bonus, you also get …show more content…

For some families, especially those with small children, that might mean finding a home near Grandma and Grandpa. For other families, being near their favorite shopping locations is important. Families with small children may also want to live within easy walking or driving distance of a park. Some families find themselves balancing wanting to live in a smaller town while also being able to easily take off for the day or the weekend to larger cities, such a Fresno. Several of our communities, including Chandler Park and Chelsea West, are located less than an hour drive from Fresno. Before deciding on a home, you may want to make a list of the top five or ten places that you want near your home. As you look at houses, assess whether the home is close enough to these important places. Like with timing your commute, you may want to physically walk or drive to these locations.

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