Movie Watching Style Essay

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To me movies are the pentacle of modern entertainment. I love to watch movies because they help to expand my imagination, draw me into another world, and relax me. At the same time though there are people that I just can not stand to watch movies with and those that I love watching movies with. The reason that I can or can’t stand to watch movies with them is because of their movie watching style. I have found that there are six common types of movie watching styles. The Focuser The focuser is a person who is completely absorbed in the movie. I am a focuser. If I am watching movies with others and they try to talk to me I am often so absorbed in the movie that I will not even realize that they have spoken. Being a focuser is good because I remember almost every part of the movie in great detail, but it can also be bad. One example of it being bad is when I am on a date at the movies. My dates typically want to talk to me during the movie, but I am often so focused that I do not give them enough attention. I have found that focusers like the idea of watching movies alone because they will not be interrupted and will not hurt the feelings of others when they are it absorbed to talk. …show more content…

The sleeper is actually pretty easy to watch movies with because they are quiet and typically don’t move at all but can occasionally snore. I like watching movies with sleepers because I like to have company while I watch a movie but don’t like for them to interrupt. I know many people that fit into this category, but one example is my friend Trace. I do now know how he does it, but he can fall asleep in the first ten minutes of any movie. When I watch a movie with a sleeper, I typically get to watch whichever movie I want without them really caring because they know that they will not see much of it anyways. I have tried to get Trace to watch “Bad Boys II” about five times and no matter what I do he never makes it to the

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