Movie Analysis: The Burning Bed

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Future Plans
In the movie The Burning Bed Francine played by Farah Fawcett was dating Mickey Hughes. They have been with each other for a while at the time. During their relationship he kept pressuring her for sex and marriage. She finally gave into him, and had sex unprotected. She soon talked with her friend about marrying Mickey. She did not want to rush into things with him. Her friend tried to tell her Mickey is crazy and cares for her. Even so Francine had some future goals in mind before she even thought about marriage. Francine told her friend she wanted to finish school, get a job, and get out of her town.
Francine was able to finish high school, but was unable to finish college. In the winter of 1976, she was able to apply to …show more content…

This came after Mickey hit her, and bashed her head through the picture mirror. She started to bleed and hide from him in the closet. The door opened and it was an officer speaking with her asking if she is okay. She wanted him arrested and taken away, but the cop told her they could not. Since they did not see him hit her. She wanted to leave, and file for welfare so her children could eat. The head of the house hold must apply for welfare. Only way she can receive welfare is if Francine separates from him. She said it would be impossible, because he would kill her if she tries too. When she tried to file for a complaint for attempted murder she was not able too. The man from the county office said she has to let his probation officer handle him.
Francine is now afraid to even go back home, because he is waiting for her. She and the kids stayed at her mother’s house for a while until Mickey came to get them. She made an attempt to get her children back by talking to ladies from other agencies. They could not help her at all. One told her to move out of state, but Francine does not have a car and will not leave her kids. If they were to take action she would lose her welfare, and possibly go to

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