Movie Analysis: Linda's Infidelity

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Character Summary: In the beginning of the movie, Linda goes to pick up the prescriptions of her elderly husband, Earl, while his nurse, Phil watches him. While Linda picks up prescriptions for Earl, she also picks up prescriptions for her opioid addiction. When Linda waits for her prescription, the pharmacists starts talking to her about her prescriptions and start asking questions. Feeling as if she is being under investigation, Linda curses and berates the pharmacists before leaving with the prescriptions. She then goes to Earl’s lawyer and asks him if he can change Earl’s will be she feels guilty; Linda only married Earl for his money and cheated on him multiple times, but she now loves him and refuses to take any money. The lawyer, however, …show more content…

The intimacy versus isolation stage lasts from early adulthood until middle adulthood. This stage is often marked by finding an intimate, romantic partner or feeling alone because you have not. Although Linda is married to Earl, she only married him for his money and does not really feel a sense of intimacy with him. Thus, she cheats on him multiple times. Multiple factors influence Linda’s infidelity. According to Drigotas and Barta (2001), a selected sample showed that 25% of wives committed infidelity, and this number increased to 26.2% for women born between 1953 and 1974. Linda was born in the 60s, so she falls into the category with increased chances of infidelity. The decision to cheat goes beyond demographics, however. According to (Munsch, 2005), “for women, breadwinning decreases infidelity.” Linda is not the breadwinner in her relationship. When Earl was healthy, he made the money through his show as a game show producer. Thus, Linda had ample time to cheat on him with other men while he was busy at work. Ultimately, the main reason that women cheat, though, is that they are dissatisfied with their marriage (Drigotas and Barta, 2001). Earl is elderly and probably cannot do the things for Linda that men her age can do. Thus, she sought fulfillment through other men. When Earl enters his dying state, though, Linda realizes that she actually loves him. Linda’s …show more content…

Neuroticism is the “tendency toward unstable emotions,” and Linda is very unstable. She curses at the pharmacists when she picks up Earl’s prescriptions. She is also very anxious when she begs Earl’s attorney to write her out of Earl’s will because she feels guilty about cheating on Earl. Interestingly, high neuroticism has been shown to be associated with infidelity in heterosexual couples (Mark et al., 2011). After Linda leaves the attorney’s office, she continues to exhibit neurotic behavior. She contemplates committing suicide through monoxide poisoning while in her garage but then decides not to. When she enters her house, she yells at Earl’s nurse, Phil for trying to contact Phil, but she later apologizes for her behavior. She then leaves her house to commit suicide with a combination of pills an alcohol. She is on the verge of death before a child finds her and calls an ambulance. She is then later taken to the hospital where she is showing recovering the next day. Because of Linda’s neurotic personality, she puts herself in great

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